SKins & ribs

What holds us up, gives us room to breathe? What keeps us contained? I tend to believe poets are, in some way or another, a sum of our resources. We receive the work and reflections of our peers; it enters us as sustenance, or takes on catalytic properties propelling our alchemical reactions into the world. Check back here for an evolving list of writing resources & other helpful anatomy.


Writing Resources Everyone Should Know About

Heavy Feather Review’s “Where To Submit” Column

A regularly-updated bulletin listing open calls for submissions to literary journals, awards, residencies, and presses. Free.

Chill Subs

A curated database of literary journals featuring a wide range of filters and search features, as well as submission tracking. Free, with a $5/mo upgrade option to unlock more features.


A vetted, crowd-sourced database of literary journals featuring submission tracking and stats based on aggregated data. $5/mo or $50 for the year.

Clifford Garstang’s 2024 Literary Rankings

Every year, this author ranks literary journals across three main genres according to their showing in the annual Pushcart Prizes.

BOMB Magazine Fellowships & Residencies

Need funding for a larger project? Or looking for some time away to work on you writing? This is the page for you.

… what am I missing? Use the contact form (Qs) to let me know about others I should link here!


Coordinates: A Podcast For Writers & Readers

Combining panels with publishing professionals, interviews with featured authors, and a rapid-fire Q&A between literary pals, Coordinates is not-your-average podcast! Co-hosted by KT Herr and Hannah Matheson, this long-form quarterly series has unique segments — "Fresh Pressed," "Fellow Traveler," "Hot Dish," and "From the Crossroads" — that invite you to listen all in one go or digest it in sections. Like a good book, Coordinates takes advantage of its robust runtime (usually 2 hours per episode) to build an entire world. Listeners can take their time with these episodes, pausing and returning to each over several days. This show is your one-stop shop for literary community; listen along as we demystify the publishing industry, dive deep with contemporary authors, ask writing friends our burning questions, and send listeners on their way with an actionable prompt and creative inspiration for the miles to come. Coordinates is grateful to Four Way Books for sponsorship and to the Cornelius Eady Group for the beautiful music featured in each episode.


*On Hiatus in 2024* Rolodex: A 30/30 Writing Challenge with Landline Literary

The Rolodex 30/30 is a poem-a-day challenge taking place during the month of April. Formerly known as the National Poetry Month: Dirty Thirty Challenge, this event provides one writing prompt each day of the month, based on a poem by an established or emerging poet, with the goal of writing 30 poems by the end of April.

For April 2023, the Rolodex Writing Challenge featured exclusively trans* poets. For April 2024, we are taking a hiatus in recognition of ongoing genocides. Instead, we encourage you to engage with the work of these poets and to take whatever measures possible to advocate for an immediate, lasting ceasefire in Gaza.

For questions about the challenge, use the contact form on this site. You can join the challenge Facebook group for encouragement and community, returning Spring 2025.